Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
Dallington School is a non-selective school. It is our aim to include and make provision for all children, regardless of their needs. There will be times when a child, or group of children, requires some additional input and this will be dependent on need. This support may be provided by our own staff or by external professionals who work with the school.
Parents of all children receiving support are consulted and kept fully informed. We work to ensure we have accurate and up to date information on all children to inform our additional provision.
The School´s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Tina Saedi.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Our community includes many families with a home language or languages other than English. The priority for our EAL speakers is to ensure they can access the curriculum and make progress alongside their peers. Where necessary we provide targeted intervention using a variety of resources including teaching and learning materials aimed at supporting a pupil’s language development.
Where necessary we will liaise with outside agencies for additional pupil support. We actively promote language awareness and whole school language initiatives celebrating the variety of languages spoken in school and the wider community.
We are fully committed to the notion of a broad and balanced curriculum and in this spirit, we work to identify and respond to the width of children’s talents where practical.
The curriculum is adapted across all year groups, with children working at their own pace and level. Children who need additional support and challenge are identified through regular assessment. Records are kept and regular monitoring ensures that progress is steady and in line with expectations. For children who require additional or different support, we liaise with outside agencies.