The Student Council is comprised of a representative from each year group from Year 1 to Year 6. Each year prospective candidates present their manifestos to their peers and the class then votes for the candidate they feel will best present them and their views. 

Guided by one of the staff members, the Student Council is a meaningful forum in which children can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact them. We believe that a properly supported and nurtured Student Council helps to improve many aspects of school life.

It is also an important and useful way for us to provide leadership and development opportunities for our children. We want children to have a real say in issues that affect them and to know that their opinions count. Our aim is to increase participation in school life and teach children about democracy, global citizenship and accountability. Not only do the children think of ways to improve the school but they also take action to help both locally and further afield.

The Student Council have discussed the school’s behaviour expectations and have shared their views about rewards and sanctions. They have put together an agreed school behaviour code that everyone can remember, and which embraces our school values and is easily communicated to the whole school community.

They have also reviewed the school curriculum and shared what they love about it and what they think could be even better. They have initiated a lunchtime board games club and are planning a Science Fair later in the year. Finally, the Student Council is designing ways in which the school can help fundraise for Children in Need, which is their chosen charity.