Physical Education and Sports
Being Active
Physical education and sports play a large part in the curriculum for all children and demonstrate our commitment to this. We want all children to develop a positive attitude towards physical activity and understand how important it is for a healthy life.
Each group has two sports sessions per week, and depending on their age, children will be introduced to a wide variety of games and sports, learning skills along the way. In Nursery gym sessions, children develop their physical and spatial awareness, basic control and coordination, through structured floor work.
The children copy, remember, repeat and explore simple actions. They also develop an understanding of simple tactics through turn-taking games and develop their basic compositional ideas through music and movement.
As children become more coordinated, they are introduced to competitive team games such as cricket, football, netball, rounders and tag rugby. These are known as invasion games and children begin to develop teamwork ethics as well as leadership skills and social skills.
Specialist Coaching
Every child learns to swim; the ability to swim builds resilience and strength and we believe that every child should have this opportunity. All children from Year 1 have swimming lessons at some point throughout the year at the Ironmonger Row Baths – a short walk from the school. Older children have the opportunity to learn to kayak during the Summer Term at Shadwell Basin in Wapping.
For really keen footballers, there is an afterschool football club, with weekly training and matches against local teams. Early morning exercise and yoga sessions before school starts, encourage children to prepare themselves for the day.